Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

Klunk, Klunk, Klunk


I had a neighbor who lived next door, while his wife and family lived 20 minutes away. He kept the apartment so that he wouldn’t have to commute and had lived there for ten years prior to me moving in. His wife would drop by and stay with him for a few days, about once a year.

Maybe once a month, he would go back to her place on the weekend. He would come up the stairs in the building at all hours of the night dragging stuff. You would hear, “klunk, klunk, klunk” up the steps. He accused other people of taking his mail and accused me of messing with his cable.

He had a plastic runner that went from his front door to his bed and milk crate furniture. One night, he went on a rant about how it makes him sick when he goes to the grocery store and sees all the food there. He started yelling while telling me this and said he only ate pickles.

He told me his wife was a nurse, but she was creepy too. He installed deadbolts on his door without asking the landlord, would get weird about his tool bag as he walked up the steps, and put cardboard on his utility van window.

Sometimes he would just swing his door open at night and stand in the hall for a good three minutes before shutting his door again. Thank goodness, he eventually retired and moved back in with his wife. Story credit: Reddit / (nonaestet)

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