Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

They Ended Up Divorced


My next-door neighbor came over to borrow a ladder when my husband wasn’t home. He gave off a really weird vibe—he “steadied” me from behind when I was taking the ladder down from the wall hook.

At the time, I just told myself I was being overly sensitive, but I should have paid attention to the red flags right then and there. Later that week, my husband and I ran into him and his wife in a store.

He greeted me with a kiss on the cheek…It was weird, and my husband thought so too, but we still didn’t look into it too much. We shrugged it off and assumed he was just being overly friendly.

Then, a few weeks after that incident, we were visited by a government agency that asked us a couple of questions about him. Apparently, he needed a security clearance where he worked. There wasn’t a lot to report as he seemed okay.

But one early Saturday morning, he knocked on our door while my husband was at work. I had all four of my kids there. I don’t even remember why he came over, but at one point, he took an opportunity to rub himself against me in front of my kids.

I kicked him out, then I immediately called my husband and his wife. She called me back, begging me to retract it, but I assured her that he really did what he did. Somehow, it got back to his supervisor and his clearance was put in jeopardy. They ended up divorced. Story credit: Reddit / (pamamaamajamma)

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