Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

Calling The Kettle Black


I have a horrible neighbor who loves calling the authorities any chance he gets. If we left our car doors open too long, or if we get too close to his yard or anyone else’s yards, he would complain.

He’s calmed down a bit over the years, but it used to get heated between him and this family that lived next to him for a while. The worst part is that they were just as bad. They beat their dogs, left them locked up in their backyard, and never fed them.

They also screamed at each other, often out in the open, and one time, some of their relatives came over and they pulled guns on each other. I think they may have even tried to burn their house down because they couldn’t get it to sell.

Needless to say, nothing happened because he called 9-1-1 within minutes. Story credit: Reddit

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