Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

Target Of The Month


I lived in an apartment complex of 40 units, and one set of neighbors—a family—was just off. One day,  I bought a bunch of starter packets to grow some herbs on my balcony.

I was out there watering, and the mother came outside and shouted into the empty parking lot how disgusting tattoos were—I had a half sleeve on my right arm. Not wanting an issue, I went back inside, confused, and texted my husband.

I heard her go back inside, so I went out to finish watering my plants, and she came out again, this time shouting that something smelled bad and asked what I was doing because she could smell it. I politely told her I didn’t smell anything and went back inside.

On another occasion, my husband and I rearranged our balcony furniture so we could eat outside. The daughter came out and yelled, “I DON’T LIKE WHAT YOU’VE DONE THERE. CHANGE IT BACK”! Later that evening, the authorities showed up at our apartment.

My husband and I had just been grocery shopping, so we had been out. The officer—laughing under his breath—started by apologizing. He said, “I’m sorry to bother you guys. We got a call about someone harassing some of your neighbors”. 

He told us they called because we copy them, and sometimes my husband gets into my car. The officer told us we should contact the building manager and let them know if they bother us like this again, so we did.

The building manager told us that these neighbors target someone new every month. Story credit: Reddit / (LittleR3dBird)

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