Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

Unwanted Guest


I used to have this obnoxious neighbor who invited herself over all the time. If we had multiple cars in the driveway, she assumed we must have had company over, which meant free food for her. She would peek over the fence, see that we were grilling, then would come over to find out what was up.

My dad had a semi-trusting relationship with her and he let her know where we kept a spare key should there be an emergency. BIG mistake. We walked in a couple of times after being gone and found notes from her on the counter.

That meant she had used the spare key, gone into our house while we weren’t there, and probably snooped around. My dad told her she was not allowed to come in when we weren’t there and she apologized…but then, the next day, there were brownies on the counter with a note that said “Sorry”.

She clearly disregarded what he said to bring us apology brownies! But the last straw was the worst of all. My dad had left the house one day and I was taking a shower. When I stepped out in just a towel and ran to the laundry room, there was a random woman sitting on the couch.

After freaking out, I learned that she was a Jehovah’s Witness and was let in by my neighbor who apparently was snooping around while I was in the shower. She just left the lady alone in my house. My dad came home and changed all the locks that day and told her not to come over ever again.

We also ignored her any time she knocked after that. She hated us after that and she clearly thought all of her actions were completely normal. Story credit: Reddit / (Notfunliketheysaid)

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