Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

The Mercedes Mystery

Flickr / 28704869 / CC 2.0

I lived in an area that was not the best, but not the worst either. Pretty quickly after moving in, I noticed that my neighbor was a bit sketchy. He always got picked up and dropped off in an expensive blacked-out Mercedes. I also once saw a stranger handing him a roll of $20s about two inches thick.

I just assumed he was dealing, but if he stayed out of my way, I didn’t care. I installed a camera doorbell outside my door and started to notice a lot of extra weird activity. I would get flooded with notifications several times an hour and throughout the night.

It seemed like there was that one guy who lived there permanently, plus several additional men in their 30s/40s staying there with him at a time. Then they would disappear, and new guys would take their place. They all seemed to have keys and never arrived or left at the same time as each other.

They never seemed to speak any English or understand me and tried very hard not to make eye contact with me. Also, when a new guy would “move in”, I would never see them move in any boxes or belongings. He would just show up on his own with a key and then disappear weeks later.

I also never heard any noise coming from their place either—no talking, TV, music—nothing. That always creeped me out because the walls were thin, and I could always hear every other neighbor, but this flat was always completely SILENT. Then, one day they all disappeared, including the permanent guy.

I never saw any furniture or boxes being moved out. About a month later, the authorities came to my door looking for one guy in particular. I recognized him as one of the many temp guys. They wouldn’t say why they were looking for him. Story credit: Reddit / (CopperdailyPill)

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