Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

The Chilling Truth


My next-door neighbor had a Corvette, and one night, I woke up to flashing lights and a squad car on his lawn. I assumed someone had been caught trying to take the car and went back to bed. The next day, another neighbor asked me if I knew what had happened.

I said I assumed that someone had been caught taking the car, but the other neighbor revealed the chilling truth. He told me that the guy’s girlfriend had taken her own life.

The next day the guy’s couch was sitting on the lawn with a bloodstain on it. It stayed there for a couple of days. He moved out shortly thereafter. Several years later, the District Attorney stopped by our house and asked us if we were friends with that neighbor.

We said we weren’t, as we had only just moved in. When we tried to confirm that he was talking about the neighbor whose girlfriend had taken her life, he said it definitely was not suicide. Story credit: Reddit / (charlie2135)

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