Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

Endless Love


I lived in an apartment that was on the first floor—which was really half underground—and my windows were all on the same level as the parking lot. I had two weird neighbors there. One was an older guy who would stand just inside the glass door to the building and look out.

As you might imagine, that made getting into the building a little awkward. He wouldn’t acknowledge my presence until he had to move out of the way to let me in. He would sit in his car in warmer weather, with the driver’s side door wide open, blaring “Endless Love” for hours. But he wasn’t the only creep. 

The other was the older lady next door. She was tiny and had those giant glasses that made her eyes look magnified. She wore a lot of Tweety Bird-themed clothing and chain-smoked all the time.

She would come around, ask me for $5, saying her social security checks were late, pay me back, then ask me for $5 again. It was a weird place. Story credit: Reddit / (yogace)

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