Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

The Creep Next Door


My wife and I had a neighbor in the apartment complex we used to live in who we called “Creepy Guy”. He had some mental disorder and would roam the complex all day doing his snooping. He once got caught by one of our neighbors cracking their front door open to peek in.

When I would leave in the morning, he would come running out of his apartment to see who was leaving. The bottom floor units were partially underground, so the windows were at ground level. If someone didn’t keep their blinds closed, he would peek into the windows.

Maintenance would catch him going into empty apartments that they would be working on. The final straw was when my wife went to check the mail. The mailboxes were all together in a central location in the complex.

He had followed her to and from the mailboxes wearing a thick leather jacket in 90℉ heat. My wife reported it, and management finally decided to evict him. For the rest of his time there, before he left, he would walk around saying hostile things about apartment management. Story credit: Reddit

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