Spine-Chilling Neighbor Encounters

Mother Dearest


When I was very young, we lived next door to an elderly couple and their adult daughter. The adult daughter had kids and grandkids of her own, but she had some personal issues and she couldn’t live on her own with them.

I don’t remember how it started, but she would venture further and further into our property until one day, she walked right into our house while we were in the living room. My mother was pregnant and babysitting other children at the time.

She was so startled she jumped up and chased her out of the house. On another occasion, she came storming over to our house with a mop in her hand, determined to attack my mother. She had to call my uncle to come over and I remember him putting his entire body weight on the door to keep her out.

We called the authorities on her and she was taken away for psychiatric evaluation. After that, the officers had to come back to talk to my parents because, during her evaluation, she claimed that my mother had kidnapped her son and chained him in the basement.

Obviously, none of that was true. After that, if we were playing outside and we saw her, we immediately ran into the house and locked the doors.

I don’t know what her diagnosis was or why she was so fixated on my mother. We eventually moved when I was around 12. Story credit: Reddit / (xx1xx2xx3xx)

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