Real Stories From People Who Had a Surprising Gut Feeling That Turned Out to Be Correct

Something Seemed Wrong


Aunt married her second husband and he just gave me the creeps. She came into the marriage with a daughter who was about eight at the time.

These were family we would only see maybe a couple times per year. Every time, something about him gave me the heebies, even as a 14-year-old boy. Something felt really wrong. Fast forward 6-8 years later, and we learn he molested my female cousin pretty much from the day he became her stepdad.

Years of it. Aunt divorced him but he’s still around because they had additional kids together. I see him comment on FB posts of the cousin he molested. I’d love for him to die a slow and painful death, the sooner the better. Story credit: Reddit / ConsciousChemistry

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