Real Stories From People Who Had a Surprising Gut Feeling That Turned Out to Be Correct

It’ll Be Fine!


I’m a firefighter. We got called out to a tree fire started by fallen power lines. We pull up in the truck, and I’m trusting that my driver and crew leader are doing their job and have good situational awareness. 

We get out of the truck, and we’ve parked next to a set of power lines (not fallen). It’s a very windy night and I can see the lines swinging so I voice my concerns to my crew leader who says it’ll be fine.

We get out hose out (risk of the tree fire catching onto a house outweighing potential risk of arcing plus the line disconnected when it fell), and I’m on the branch ready to start putting it out with 2 others near me when I get a chill. I look up to see the lines swinging violently and yell “everyone freaking move!”

As the three of us sprint and dive out of the way we hear a thwip and crack, and, sure enough, the line we were under came loose and stayed connected to the power pole.

If I hadn’t got that chill chances are, we would have had three fried firies. Story credit: Reddit / DYESMOD

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