Real Stories From People Who Had a Surprising Gut Feeling That Turned Out to Be Correct

He Was Waiting to Attack Me


Worked as a Shot Girl at a pub. One night, I rejected someone who attempted to get my number. Not unusual and he didn’t seem that bothered. The whole exchange wasn’t strange to me.

In the early hours after the bar closed, I went to leave through the back door into the car park like usual, when I saw the sensor light outside was on. Someone was standing just outside the door.

I felt uneasy so went out the front and asked one of the bouncers to walk me around the back to my car. As we rounded the corner, we spotted this guy lurking outside the door holding his belt like a makeshift garotte.

When he saw us, he started screaming that I was a freaking shrew and I should die. He scampered off into the road and never came back. Story credit: Reddit / Goldfishguru

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