Real Stories From People Who Had a Surprising Gut Feeling That Turned Out to Be Correct

He’s Still Behind Me


Well, I was walking home. Wasn’t late and I’m from a pretty safe area, but it was that time of year when it starts to get dark really early so felt kind of ominous. Anyway, I pass this guy in a red sweater and red tracksuit bottoms, and he looks at me funny. Maybe he’s high, maybe he’s loaded…either way something not quite right about him.

I keep going. Look behind me, he’s still there. Cross the road. He crosses with me. As soon as I turn a corner, I sprint to my apartment complex and run into the coded gate and wait. He rocks up a minute later and stares at me through the gate. He just stares at me for a good 10 or so seconds then runs back the way he came.

Shivers. Story credit: Reddit / The_PurpleZone

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