Real Stories From People Who Had a Surprising Gut Feeling That Turned Out to Be Correct

Keep Your Guard Up


A few years ago, about 1 am on a Sunday morning, I had to take my dog out before bed. I live in a rough neighborhood and I am a female so I usually have my guard up regardless of the time. Before I left the apt building my gut told me something was up. The street was completely void of traffic and people except for a van parked out to the side of the road.

Outside of it were three people whom I quickly identified as male. Right away my reaction is to keep my head low, put my jacket hood up and not bring attention to myself. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see they were struggling; on closer inspection, I see two of the men are holding up the other man between them.

I make the assumption that they are headed home after a night of heavy partying and they are just helping their friend who is sick or something. I am telling myself this to ease my fears.

Then they notice me and they stop everything and freeze. I thought that was odd and no good so I drag my dog straight back to my building (I don’t even know if he got the chance to pee that night!).

I go to bed and thinking nothing more of it, until it’s time to take the dog out again in the morning. There was a notice in the elevator asking for witnesses as to exactly what I saw that evening because a dead body had been found.

So… this wasn’t a friend of theirs after all, they were ditching a body. Still upsets me today and I will never ignore my intuition again. Story credit: Reddit / calamityhjane

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