Real Stories From People Who Had a Surprising Gut Feeling That Turned Out to Be Correct

I Needed to Find Her


My siblings and I were swimming at a neighbor’s house with their kid, but the adults were inside. Randomly, a thought came into my head: “Where’s my sister at?”

She easily could’ve gone inside or have walked across the street and be home, but I felt like I needed to find her ASAP. I got all of us kids to search when we noticed she was at the bottom of the pool, completely blue.

She made a complete recovery and is one of the best parts of my life. Thought I should clarify a little bit and add ways to prevent drownings. She was only four, and my brothers and I were around 10. One brother got her out, one sprinted home across the street to get my mom, and I called 911 to get paramedics.

We are very lucky and grateful we got a happy ending, but not everyone does. Story credit: Reddit / intergalacticsnack

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