Real Stories From People Who Had a Surprising Gut Feeling That Turned Out to Be Correct

He Wouldn’t Have Made it Through the Night


Came back to work after a week off for Christmas vacation and immediately noticed something was off with my friend. I had no clue what it was, but I just knew was something was wrong with him, but I couldn’t explain what it was.

I kept asking him if he was alright, but he kept saying everything was fine. On the second day, he came up to me and asked me how to do something that I know he knew how to do; I had trained him on how to do it.

I became very concerned at this point. The third day was New Year’s Eve, so we only had a half day and he was working on a spreadsheet. End of the day came around and I took one look at it and I could have printed it out and called it modern art, that’s how horrifying it looked.

I called the boss over and he pulled him off of it which caused my friend to break down and start crying because he couldn’t understand that he had done anything wrong.

I was moving to a new place over our day and a half off, so I simply told him that something was wrong with him and he needed to get some help. We came back in for one day on Friday and my friend wasn’t there. I learned that he was in the hospital because of a heart attack.

Later on, we learned that during the days leading up he was suffering from mini strokes and that all of my constant nagging about if he was alright ultimately led to him thinking that maybe there is something wrong with him.

So, he called a taxi to take him to the ER on New Year’s Eve where they immediately recognized that he was having a heart attack. A doctor later told him that if he had not gone to the ER when he did, he would not have woken up if he’d gone to sleep that night.

Because of this, my friend says that I saved his life through the power of our friendship. Story credit: Reddit / Asirr

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