Real Stories From People Who Had a Surprising Gut Feeling That Turned Out to Be Correct

Staying Home From School

Flickr / Jeffrey / CC 2.0

When I was in fourth grade, I had a headache before school. Of course, me being a kid, I asked my mom to stay home that day. She, having a weird feeling about that day, said yes and I went back to sleep. She felt that something was off and when I came to her about staying home, she said yes, just in case she was right. It was the best decision she ever made.

That morning at school during breakfast, an older women ran her car into the school’s wall next to the lunch room, killing my best friend. He was eating breakfast and if I had gone to school I would have been eating with him at that table. The school was so certain that I was under the bricks and the lady’s car that they called my mom confirming my whereabouts.

My mom and I thank her gut feeling almost at least once a month for saving my life that day. Story credit: Reddit / CrazyCatLady595

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