Real Stories From People Who Had a Surprising Gut Feeling That Turned Out to Be Correct

Attempted Break In


I woke up at 3 am once sitting upright in bed. I felt on alert and my heart raced when I saw that my cat was on alert too, wide awake by my feet with his ears perked up. But I didn’t see or hear anything weird.

Something didn’t feel right, and I couldn’t relax. So, I got up and went to the kitchen. Turned on some lights and ate food even though I wasn’t that hungry. Eventually went back to bed.

We discovered the next morning that someone had stopped while in the process of using some kind of tool to silently cut a big hole in the glass window in the living room. They were trying to break in.

Right next to the bedroom. I think the lights I turned on scared them away. We had three long years of issues with our neighbors. They repeatedly came into our property and were pissed that we put up a nine-foot fence to keep them out.

This attempted break-in happened right after the fence went up and two days before they all moved out. Glad those pieces of trash are long gone. Story credit: Reddit / TheBigSqueak

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