No One Took My Pain Seriously
I was suddenly going to the bathroom constantly and had a lot of blood in my urine. I became convinced I had a really serious issue. I went to the doctor, did some tests; they shrugged me off because they were negative.
Another doctor, same thing. Finally went to the ER one night because the pain was so bad. They found a cyst on my ovary that was the size of a golf ball.
I had emergency surgery to get it and my right ovary removed and they said everything would get better. My issues were still there a month post-op and I was having a really hard recovery. I knew something else was going on. Told my surgeon and he literally said, “Take pepto” after I had been dealing with these issues for months.
I insisted something was still wrong. Finally, after begging he sent me to a GI specialist and guess what?? I was diagnosed with severe ulcerative colitis AND a rare liver disease. But no one took it seriously for seven months. Story credit: Reddit / JBL15TX