Real Stories From People Who Had a Surprising Gut Feeling That Turned Out to Be Correct

Catch a Ride

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My friend asked me for a ride home. I told him I wasn’t going his way and he was like “okay, I’ll catch a ride with those people.” I wasn’t a huge fan of the people he was going to go home with, so I said screw it and gave him a ride.

Turns out the kids who were going to take him home decided to speed down a windy, wooded road near his house at 80 MPH. They hit something and flipped the car multiple times. They all lived, but barely.

The EMTs said that if they were bigger kids (they were all scrawny and under 5’10”) they would’ve been crushed. My friend who almost went with them is 6’2″. He absolutely would’ve died that day. Story credit: Reddit / fwooby_pwow

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