Real Stories From People Who Had a Surprising Gut Feeling That Turned Out to Be Correct

I Smell a Bear

Tyndall Air Force Base / CC0

When I was a little kid, I stepped outside to walk home from my neighbor’s place two doors over. I smelled what I knew was a bear, which are common where I live.

If you’ve ever smelled a black bear, it’s not that different from a skunk, which is what my friend’s mom told me it probably was when I asked her to drive me home even though my house was literally right around the corner.

The thing is, a skunk’s smell is strong, but doesn’t, like, travel. A bear’s smell is more… permeating? Begrudgingly, she drove me—only to see the bear sitting on my back steps outside the door I would’ve tried to enter my house with.

Black bears aren’t that vicious, but my friend’s mom apologized immediately about not believing me: could’ve walked straight into that thing at the age of 12. Story credit: Reddit / WreckweeM

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