Real Stories From People Who Had a Surprising Gut Feeling That Turned Out to Be Correct

He Accused Me of Lying


My father started publicly dating a woman shortly after my mother died—I later learned she’s likely the woman he’d been having an affair with before she died. I liked her. One evening my father took me to one side and asked how I’d feel about him asking her to marry him. I got an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach and felt nauseated.

I told my father I didn’t want him to and he asked why as he thought I liked her. I explained that I did like her but had a bad feeling and he said: “that’s just a feeling, they don’t mean anything.” He already had the ring and proposed straight away. I got really excited about the engagement, the wedding, moving house, and my impending little sister.

After the wedding, she changed. And when my half-sister was born, she went crazy. She abused me, my sister (my mother’s child), and later, my half-sister (her own child). He only left her when my doctor told him something was clearly going on with her that was affecting my health.

She was putting a substance that I’m intolerant to in my food and my father wouldn’t believe me and would force me to eat whatever she made.

However, I couldn’t get a doctor alone without her to tell them. My maternal grandmother told him if he didn’t leave her she’d go for custody that he finally left her.

He accused me of lying for the entire time leading up to that and has never asked me about any of my attempts to get help since. Story credit: Reddit / PhDOH

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