Real Stories From People Who Had a Surprising Gut Feeling That Turned Out to Be Correct

Maybe I’m Just Anxious Today


Someone came into my work that gave me the “I’m in danger” feeling. I work in a place where 60% of my customers are children, and I naturally get very protective of them, but you can’t call the police because someone’s creeping you out.

He kept getting close to children but not doing anything or even making them uncomfortable so there still wasn’t anything I could do.

He leaves and I shrug it off. Another customer soon comes in and gives me the same feeling, so I’m thinking “I’m just anxious today.” He’s talking about Donkey Kong and stuff, casual conversation.

Then he says, “I’m best friends with Martin Bryant” (the spree killer from the 1996 port Arthur massacre, who is in solitary confinement and can’t even interact with whoever has to throw his food at him), so I’m getting a bit nervous now.

Then the first creepy guy comes in, and the one I was talking to says “I know him, we went to prison together!” So immediately I start having a panic attack and have to end the conversation as quick as possible, so I can contact the manager to say I need someone else to come into the store (I was there alone). They immediately call the police.

Turns out they were both registered sex offenders; neither were allowed anywhere near my work because it’s too close to the CBD, and they’re legally not allowed near anywhere that could have children there. I actually recently went to court for this, waited hours to go in, and he pleads guilty at the very, very last second. Bastard. Story credit: Reddit / ariajanecherry

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