Real Stories From People Who Had a Surprising Gut Feeling That Turned Out to Be Correct

That “Don’t Go” Feeling


When I was doing my PhD, I got offered the chance to go to the Central European University summer school programme to do a course that would have been extremely valuable.

I even got offered a full scholarship to do the course, free accommodation, etc. A really amazing deal. Two weeks before I was supposed to leave, I said to my boyfriend at the time, something is telling me I shouldn’t go.

And I was like, WTF brain, this is the opportunity of a lifetime. But the “don’t go” feeling kept getting stronger. So I withdrew from the course, feeling stupid for doing it. The day after I was scheduled to leave, my perfectly healthy mom got sick.

A week later she was in a coma, and a week later we had to turn off life support. Her funeral was a week after that. I would have been away in her last waking moments. Story credit: Reddit / Awkward_Dog

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