Real Stories From People Who Had a Surprising Gut Feeling That Turned Out to Be Correct

Holier Than Thou


I used to be a lifeguard in a very small gated community with a lot of wealthy people. I also used to sing at the local church services. I met the pastor in that context and something about him just seemed…off.

It wasn’t anything I’d be able to articulate. I just didn’t like him. He just made my gut drop. Later, I noticed that the local pastor was spending a lot of time at the pool watching the little kids swim—one little boy in particular.

He would have a towel ready for him, he’d have the kid sit on his lap to dry off. As far as I knew, he wasn’t babysitting him. He was just there, watching and touching. It made my hackles rise.

I told his parents that the way the pastor was interacting with their son made me uncomfortable. They investigated and it turns out the pastor was going to their home when they weren’t there and “spending time” with that little boy in his bedroom.

They didn’t give me any more details than that but it was implied that something twisted had been going on. I don’t know what happened to him after that but he was obviously removed as pastor from the church. It’s so important to trust your gut on these things. Story credit: Reddit / why_renaissance

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