Real Stories From People Who Had a Surprising Gut Feeling That Turned Out to Be Correct

Face to Face


Some dude gets off the bus at the same stop as me. It’s about 8 pm and October so it’s quite dark out already. He had spoken to me on the bus, one line about nice weather. Anyway, he gets off the bus after me.

I cross the road and make a mental note of him walking the opposite way to me. I make sure to watch him walking away. Something in my gut says not to trust him.

To get to my house, I have to walk up a hill with a path alongside a high stone wall. It is secluded. Usually, I listen to music as I walk. I decide not to this time. I’m about halfway up when I get this awful feeling. I take out my phone, dial my mother’s number and as I do, I hear fast steps of someone running up behind me.

I know it’s the guy before I turn around and, as I do, he is literally running full speed towards me. I look him dead in the eyes, ready to fight for my life.

As I do this, my mother answers her phone and I say, “Hi mom.” He slows right down to a light jog and says “evening” as he jogs past me. I ask my mom to stay on the line. Her bf comes out to meet me at the top of the hill. The guy is nowhere to be seen.

He was definitely running up behind me to strike me and by turning to face him I’m certain it threw him off. Story credit: Reddit / idiedforwutnow

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