Strange Experiences That Were Almost Too Creepy to Be True

Just Asking For Directions


I remember being 8 or 9 and riding my bike around my neighborhood all the time. One day, a guy pulled up next to me and asked me for directions to some road. He kept asking me to come closer to his car because he couldn’t hear me. I just thought he was weird and said something to the effect of, “I don’t know, but I can ask my Mom.” He drove off.

A few days later, I was out on my bike again when a panel van pulled up next to me. The side door slammed open and I took off into the woods, terrified, but nobody followed me. At the time, I didn’t really think too much of it. I mentioned both incidents to my parents, but I don’t think they took it seriously either.

We found out later that a convicted criminal was living in our neighborhood. He was eventually arrested again and put in prison.

Story credit: Reddit / Walkingbagonia

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