Strange Experiences That Were Almost Too Creepy to Be True

A Disturbing Discovery


When I was in college, I had four roommates that always went home over the weekend. I was usually alone from Thursday night to Sunday evening. One morning, I made a disturbing discovery when I woke up. There was a full set of human bite marks on my lower back. I shower before bed and moisturize, so I know it wasn’t there the night before.

I went to work and showed all my colleagues, who were equally baffled. There was no swelling and it didn’t hurt, it just looked liked someone had bit me. By the end of the day, it suddenly disappeared. From then on, I kept hearing knocking noises on my bedroom wall and the wall in the stairway. I would hear and see footsteps on the carpet.

One weekend, my little sisters came over to stay with me, and in the middle of the night they heard a woman screaming and something drop in the kitchen.

I ran out to check on them and they were terrified. Early that same morning, my bedroom door was shaking from knocking and I thought it was my sisters, but when I got up, I saw they were still asleep. It only happened to me, and not my roommates.

Eventually, my roommate got a shaman to bless the apartment, and suddenly everything stopped.

Story credit: Reddit / Sweet_N_Vicious

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