Strange Experiences That Were Almost Too Creepy to Be True

It Was Only a Couple of Seconds


When I was around 8 years old, I was spending the night at my grandparent’s house with my cousin. We had just finished cleaning up, and my cousin was leaving the room to go brush her teeth.

As she walked through the door, it slammed shut behind her, all by itself! I ran to the door to try to open it, but it wouldn’t open. It felt like she was holding it shut from the other side.

I banged and kicked the door, screaming at the top of my lungs for her to let me out because the lights were off, and I was still afraid of the dark at that age. What seemed like five minutes passed when, all of a sudden, the room filled with dim beams of light from the windows, the kind of light that comes from an aquarium in a dark room.

I backed up against the door and stared at the windows. I had no idea what was going on! Then I saw two tall, slender, stick figures walk by both windows in the room. These windows were at least 20 feet from the ground. I realized with panic that I couldn’t move while watching them. The second figure passed the last window in the room, and I still couldn’t move.

All I wanted to do was get out of that room! Suddenly, the light disappeared, and I could finally move again. I swung the door open as fast as I could and ran out of the room, screaming at my cousin. “Why did you hold the door!?” She looked really scared. “I didn’t hold the door closed. I thought you closed it and wouldn’t let me in. I thought you were playing!

According to her, I had been trapped for just a couple of seconds. To me, it had felt like 15 minutes or more.

Story credit: Reddit / rolling_acorn

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