Strange Experiences That Were Almost Too Creepy to Be True

A Man Jumped Off Our Porch


When I was a kid, my mom took my cousins, sister, and I to a relative’s house to visit. All the adults went out that night and left a house full of kids behind with a babysitter. We had a good time playing with our distant cousins and when it was time for bed, my sister and I were put in a room with bunk beds with some of the cousins.

All of the younger cousins fell asleep pretty quickly, but one of the older ones and I stayed up talking. When we both started to get tired, all of a sudden we heard a scream and looked up out the window to see a man jumping off of the front porch!

Needless to say, we both got freaked out and didn’t want to move. However, one of us mustered the strength to get up and run into the living room to get the babysitter.

When we told her what had happened, she called her boyfriend over. He arrived with a pistol and checked all around the house, but didn’t find anyone. They gathered us kids together and we all slept on the living room floor.

Story credit: Reddit / capracourt

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