Strange Experiences That Were Almost Too Creepy to Be True

He Followed My Uber


There was this young and really attractive dude, or so I thought, whose profile I came across on a dating app. I was about 20 at the time. We spoke and exchanged pictures and messages, and eventually planned to meet up.

He gave me an address where we could meet, and later in the day I took an Uber to that address. But when I knocked, there was no response. No response to my messages either.

I stood around for a while, debating what to do, then noticed that it was really dark and was getting late, so I left. I was disappointed; more about the wasted Uber money than I was about him because it wasn’t exactly the cheapest ride there and back.

The next day, on the dating app I was using, he sent me some story about “something happening with someone in his family.”

I don’t exactly remember it, but thinking back I can’t believe I actually believed him when he told me. I stupidly forgave him, and we planned to meet up again at a much earlier time that day. So once again, I went to the same address.

I knocked on the door and, once again, I didn’t get a response. I spun around to leave angrily, when I noticed an old man sitting in a black car across the street from the house, just staring at me.

He was staring as if I was candy that he just couldn’t resist. I walked a little way down the road and waited around a bit longer. The old man was still there, and I could tell he was staring at me. 

That’s when it hit me. HE was the “young and really attractive dude” that I’d been talking to the entire time! I got an Uber to go home, thinking that would be the end of it, but he didn’t stop there.

He FOLLOWED the Uber that I was in. I was about to call the police, but then, to my relief, he lost us on the highway. I never saw him again after that, but I’ll never forget the disgusting look that he had on his face as he was staring at me.

Story credit: Reddit

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