Strange Experiences That Were Almost Too Creepy to Be True

Drawn in By a Sense of Adventure


A number of years ago, when I was about 13 and my sister was 16, my family and I went camping. The campground we went to was rather large, with a lot of trails, so campers could rent golf carts to help them get around. So it was late one night, and my sister and I were driving down one of the trails alone, and we come to a fork in the path.

To the right was the obviously clear trail; to the left, it looked like a trail, but there was still quite a bit of brush. We took the left trail, drawn by a sense of adventure.

After about a minute or two down the trail, we both started getting a very uneasy feeling. It was like that chilling, goose-bumps, adrenaline-rush feeling you get when something completely shocks you, but we couldn’t see anything unusual on the path.

Then, out of nowhere in the dark trees, we both heard the unmistakable voice of our mother say, “Honey, why is your nose bleeding?” My sister whipped the cart around and we sped back to the main trail.

When we got back to the trail my sister’s nose dripped 3-4 drops of blood and then stopped. We went back to our campsite, saw that our Mother had not left the campsite, freaked out, and called it a night.

To this day neither of us has any kind of logical explanation as to what happened.

Story credit: Reddit / CarsenAF

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