Strange Experiences That Were Almost Too Creepy to Be True

Someone Like You


I was shopping with my father once, and we were in line to check out when he realized that he had forgotten something and went to grab it. My two-year-old daughter was looking at the candy when a man got in line behind me.

He said to my daughter, “Don’t wander away from mom or someone like me will snatch you.” He didn’t say “someone” would snatch you, he clearly said “me.”

I grabbed my daughter and put her in the cart and he just stood there, staring at her. I was about to leave when my father showed up, thankfully.

The man said, “Oh, you’ve got a big guy with you,” got out of line, and left. I felt for sure that his plan was to try to take my daughter when we got to the parking lot. I think my 6’4” tall father made him rethink it.

I still think about that creepy guy to this day.

Story credit: Reddit / Kewege

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