Strange Experiences That Were Almost Too Creepy to Be True

Nothing Else Happened That Night


About five years ago, I brought my friend with me up to my parents’ cabin. One day that weekend, everyone went out barhopping while my friend and I stayed behind at the cabin. We were sitting by the fire and suddenly, I saw something big moving through the trees really quickly. It was about 7 PM and summer, so it was still light.

Whatever that thing was, it was big enough to be a bear, so fast it was a blur, and most disturbing of all, it didn’t make a noise. After seeing it, I looked over at my friend and asked, “Did that just happen?” He nodded. We looked from each other to the woods a few times, feeling paranoid.

Nothing else happened that night. I think back to that night every now and then, and I’m still not sure what that thing could’ve been.

Story credit: Reddit / McFlankShank

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