Strange Experiences That Were Almost Too Creepy to Be True

There Were No Other Men in the House


My grandma had Alzheimer’s and possibly also Dementia when she lived with us. Her room was also right down the hallway from mine, so it was really common for me to be woken up in the night to hear her laughing, screaming, or talking.

One night, things where different. I could hear her talking. What really disturbed me wasn’t that sound, though, it was something else—someone responding.

I got up to take a closer look, and I noticed that my dog was acting nervous. I went right up to the door of my grandmother’s room to hear things better. She was paralyzed on her right side, so normally I would assume it was just my Mom coming to help her with something, but the responding voice was a male voice.

My Dad didn’t live with us, and I don’t have any brothers, nor did this sound like my grandmother’s voice at all. My first thought was that it was my Uncle, but why would my Uncle be at my house? If he was, then there was something wrong with my Grandma, because he would only come this late when there was an emergency.

I also would have heard him coming through the front door. I put myself against the wall and peeked into her room in a way that gave me a clear view, but prevented anyone in the room from seeing me. There was nobody else in there. I got close enough to make out what they were saying, and then I noticed that they were speaking Farsi, not English.

This was the conversation I heard: “They have been treating you well?” “Yes they have been treating me very well.” “Who is the guy in the hallway?” “That is my grandson, he’s a good kid.” “I think the dog sees me.” At this point, I freaked out and made my way back to my room. I thought I was in a nightmare or something and I wanted to wake up.

My first thought was that I could pinch myself, so I tried. That didn’t work, so I tried to poke myself with my knife. I know that I did it pretty hard because it left a mark on my hand that stayed for a few days.

I tried to go back to sleep and not listen, but I couldn’t, and the talking continued. I watched the sunlight begin to come through my window with a very uneasy feeling, as if I was being watched.

My grandma lived for another five years with us, and a few more minor weird things happened, but this one always stuck with me, because it was by far the strangest.

Story credit: Reddit / The_Saweed

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