Strange Experiences That Were Almost Too Creepy to Be True

We Have Zero Explanation


My grandfather passed about two years ago. At one point when both he and my grandmother were alive, they gave my sister a necklace that had belonged to my grandmother. This had to be almost a decade ago, and my sister had long-since lost the necklace. We had even moved as a family, and she had then moved out and gotten her own place since losing it.

About a year after my grandfather passed, my mom and sister came home from a day of shopping and found her missing necklace lying on the floor on the ground floor of our family house.

This made ZERO sense, considering that my sister had lost the necklace while we lived in our old house. Also, my sister had moved out and now lived in a new house. So she had moved two times since losing it.

On top of that, the basement had been finished about five years after we moved in, to accommodate my grandfather, who was ill and needed in-home care.

So it couldn’t have been lying there since we moved in, as the floor had been ripped up and replaced. No one had been home that day. My mom cleans the entire house once a week and surely would have seen it. The necklace was lying in an obvious spot in the middle of the floor.

We have zero explanation. That day did not have any significance to her/my grandfather/my grandmother as far as we know.

Story credit: Reddit / SpacyCats

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