Strange Experiences That Were Almost Too Creepy to Be True

The Package Was Completely Sealed


During my sophomore year in college, I lived in a rental house about three-quarters of a mile from campus with some friends. One day, I realized that my house key was missing.

Over the course of the next week, I looked everywhere through the house for it—no luck. I even asked my friends several times if they had taken them as some sort of a joke, but everyone was just as bewildered as I was.

Then, I received a package in the mail from my parents. They usually send some sort of care package with candy/coffee/gift cards/etc. to help get through the last few weeks of class, and finals. All of that was in there as expected. I then went to throw the box out and heard something sliding around the bottom. It’s a key.

More specifically, it’s the key to the front door of my house. My key that went missing the week prior had somehow reappeared in a box delivered from my parents’, hundreds of miles away.

They never had a copy of my key and denied ever having put a key in the box. I still think about this sometimes. I’ve never been able to think of a way that that key could get in there.

The package was completely sealed on arrival, and the key itself had no identifiers to show that it belonged to me or to my house.

Story credit: Reddit / Every80Years

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