Strange Experiences That Were Almost Too Creepy to Be True

We Never Looked Back


We went out to an extremely secluded camping spot years ago. A buddy of mine had this secret site up in the mountains that was literally in the middle of nowhere in the mountains, about an hour off of main roads, with no GPS or map. We arrived and started setting up, when all of a sudden, I saw a single light through the trees about 100 yards away.

It was moving as if it was a headlamp of some sort. When I pointed it out, my buddy shouted “Hello!” towards it, and the movement stopped abruptly. I wasn’t that nervous until my friend who’s spot it was said he’d never seen another soul in the area in all the years he’d camped there. We called out again, but the light remained motionless.

We were all getting a creepy feeling, concerned about why it wasn’t moving anymore. I casually/jokingly commented that if it was me and I wished us harm, I’d have strapped the headlight to a tree and then snuck around behind us.

Literally at that moment, a branch snapped about 30 feet behind us, to our left. We immediately threw everything back into the truck without a word and hightailed it out of there without looking back.

Story credit: Reddit / iamjacksragingupvote

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