Strange Experiences That Were Almost Too Creepy to Be True

The Footage Showed the Real Story


My brother’s girlfriend’s nephew was watching his house one day while his parents were out. They had two German Shepherds, and all he really had to do was feed the dogs. A man in his 60s was walking past the house and saw him playing in the front yard, alone. The man asked him if anyone else was home, and he said “No.” It was a huge mistake.

The next thing he knew, the man just walked right through the gate, into the yard, and grabbed the kid by his arm! He got about two steps back towards the street before the two German Shepherds came charging out of the house and mauled the man, quite violently.

Thankfully, their house had a security system with working cameras, because the guy tried taking them to court.

He claimed that the dogs came out and mauled him while he was “just walking past.” The footage showed the real story.

Story credit: Reddit / sparechangebro

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