Strange Experiences That Were Almost Too Creepy to Be True

The Disappearing Curtains


When my Mom and I moved to a new house, she had some re-decorating to do. One of the things she wanted to change was to get some new curtains for our bathroom. The curtains in there were torn, dirty, browned, and super ugly.

So, she bought some new curtains and put them up. As she is quite short, she couldn’t reach our attic entrance, which is where she wanted to store the old curtains—the house was rented, so we couldn’t throw them away.

I put the curtains into a box then put them into the attic. All is good. The next day when I come home from school the horrible, dirty, old curtains were back up in the bathroom.

The new curtains were nowhere to be seen. I asked my Mom why she had changed the curtains back over, and she told me she hadn’t. When she saw the old curtains back up, she was terrified, and had no idea how it had happened.

It still bothers me to this day.

Story credit: Reddit / Fiesta_machine

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