Strange Experiences That Were Almost Too Creepy to Be True

My Chair Mysteriously Warped


When I was in college, I had a desk chair that was on rollers, the kind where the pedestal ends in a five-armed “star,” with a roller at each end. The arms of the star were made of hard formed plastic, and were pretty thick. I was up very late one night cramming for a final, and went to bed for no more than an hour or so to take a nap.

When I got up I went back and sat in the chair, I made a bizarre discovery: all five of the hard plastic arms were warped and bent at almost 90 degrees, all in the same direction!

It certainly hadn’t been like that an hour prior when I left it. Again, this was hard, brittle, thick plastic; it doesn’t/shouldn’t bend, it would just snap under enough force to create the shape that it was in.

I suppose maybe if you heated it up to soften it enough, you could reshape it, but how could that have happened? I lived alone, my doors were locked, and I was sleeping in the room, for only an hour. It would be the most bizarre prank in the world to break into somebody’s apartment with…a blowtorch or something? To reshape their chair legs?

I kept that chair for years and years even though it was basically unusable, because I thought that one day, I’d be staring at it and the answer to the mystery would come to me.

I have absolutely zero belief in anything supernatural and nothing else bizarre has ever happened to me, but I still think about it, and I still can’t explain it.

Story credit: Reddit / blkholsun

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