Strange Experiences That Were Almost Too Creepy to Be True

More Than a Feeling


I was in the Navy, stationed inland because I was in a school. One day, I had a friend drop me off at a store when class was finished, and when I was done, I started walking back to the base.

As I was walking, I noticed a car driving slowly along the road, keeping pace with me. The driver was some weird guy smiling at me. He had “More Than a Feeling” playing extremely loud on the stereo.

Eventually, the car went ahead of me, but then there it was again on a side street, waiting for me to pass. Again he drove next to me slowly with the same song playing.

This scenario went on for about seven or eight blocks, with the song on repeat. I finally made it to a nearby mall and went inside. I stayed in one place inside the mall to make sure I had lost him, so I was pretending to talk to someone on a payphone.

Suddenly, there he was inside the mall peeking around a corner at me! As soon as he turned around, I ran out of the mall through the closest exit and ran about another two blocks to the Navy base.

I never saw him again, but it creeped me out so much that every time I hear “More Than a Feeling” playing, it reminds me of the experience.

Story credit: Reddit / [deleted]

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