Strange Experiences That Were Almost Too Creepy to Be True

A Bad Case of Sleep Paralysis


I’ve had sleep paralysis for most of my life. One night, I went out with friends and we went back to my best friend’s house afterward. I slept on the couch and woke up when the sun rose—but I was having sleep paralysis.

As I lay there, unable to move but able to see my surroundings, I watched in horror as the blanket covering me began to slowly slip off of me and onto the floor.

Then, my arm began moving away from me, as though someone was pulling it. I could feel the top half of my body slowly sliding off the couch, and was only able to lay there in helpless terror.

And then, suddenly, my best friend at the other end of the couch sat bolt-upright and yelled, “Leave her alone!” I woke up immediately and was able to scramble away from the edge of the couch.

He said he thought he was dreaming when he opened his eyes and saw a man wearing what he thought was a black hoodie pulling me off the couch. As soon as he yelled, the man disappeared.

Story credit: Reddit / Alliekat1282

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