Strange Moments that Made People Question Their Intelligence

A Nap So Good…


“So this happened a couple days ago, I got home from school so tired, so I decide to take a nap at around 5:00. Well it turns out to be really deep and when I wake up my clock says 7:50. This freaks me out because school starts at 7:20 and I quickly get changed and sprint out to my car to drive to school. As I’m driving there is surprisingly little traffic but I don’t think anything of it and I pull up to the school parking lot. It is completely empty and I’m so confused so I walk over to two police officers and they inform me that it is actually 8 pm not am and I realize that I probably look like the biggest dummy around. I just yelled at myself all the way home about how dumb I am.”

Story credit: Reddit / hrd2beat

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