Strange Moments that Made People Question Their Intelligence

What is this Strange, Archaic Language?


“Was folding laundry one afternoon.

Picked up a white shirt with some faded grey letters, looked very vintage. Had a black collar. I’m looking at this shirt and see the letters are some kind of weird font/ language.

It looks like the Elf language from LOTR in font and German lettering, with lots of diaeresis and vaguely familiar letters.

So I’m standing there for like 5 minutes, closely studying this shirt trying to figure out what language this is, even asking my boyfriend if he knows where he got this shirt (is it a band name? gift from someones vacation overseas?) I mean I’m going crazy trying to figure it out, this familiar yet never before seen language.

Turns out it was an American Eagle shirt inside out…”

Story credit: Reddit / PM-me-your-downvotes

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