Strange Paternity Stories That Nearly Tore Families Apart

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I used to know a guy who had a brother and a sister. Their father was white and he had dark hair and dark eyes, and he leaned towards a tan complexion. Their mother was Filipino. Both brothers had dark skin, dark eyes, and dark hair, and they were also very obviously Filipino.

Their younger sister was light-skinned white with light blonde hair and blue eyes. I always thought it was slightly odd, but figured it had something to do with the dad’s Caucasian heritage.

So one day, the mother and I were having a chat and she just casually started talking about how she was having an affair. Her marriage had been rocky for quite some time, so I wasn’t super surprised.

She likely had had an affair before, as her husband had told me a story about how she got an STD and accused him of cheating, except he swore he did not cheat and that he tested clean.

The husband said he never told his wife he did not have the STD because he didn’t want to fight about how he was pretty sure that she had cheated on him.

Basically in their 30-year marriage, she had several questionable events, and all of this made me question the daughter’s heritage even more. So, I decided to casually drop it into conversation one day. That’s when everything unraveled.

“Genes are weird. I mean look at your sons who are dark-skinned and dark-haired, and then look at your daughter.” She got a panic in her eyes and said, I kid you not, “Well maybe my husband cheated on me. I don’t know.” Her defense really was that maybe her husband slept with a whiter woman and caused the baby that came out of her Filipino body to be more white.

I never said anything about this to the rest of the family, and now I have no contact with them due to a falling out with the son. It felt wrong to say anything when the husband adored his daughter. Why stir that up?

Surely, I wasn’t the only one who had considered she might possibly not be his. Who’s to say that he never had a paternity test? So, I just let that box stay closed. Story credit: Reddit / AlwaysDisposable

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