Strange Paternity Stories That Nearly Tore Families Apart

No Way to Lie Through That One


My sister is a pediatric nurse. She had helped deliver a beautiful baby boy. The problem was that he had Mongolian spots, a trait that a Caucasian person simply does not have. Both of the parents are white. The dad was so excited that when the baby arrived, he didn’t notice that something was off. He continued to act as all brand new dads do.

He was crying, snapping a ton of photos, calling, and video chatting with family. The whole time, the mom was just keeping quiet, only answering the medical staff. She knew what was up. They waited until his first break when he went to get breakfast to approach the mom.

They somehow convinced her to tell him when he got back, by lightly suggesting he would find out anyway due to the spots and such. Of course, my sister had her break during the climax of this story. When she came back to her unit, he was in the hall with his head in his hands, sobbing. He left a short time later without the mother or the child.

It was just a sad situation all around. Cheaters are the worst. I am convinced that without the spots, she would have had no problems lying to this man for the rest of his life. Story credit: Reddit / Fckmarrykillme

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