Strange Paternity Stories That Nearly Tore Families Apart

She Ruined His Life Anyway


This is the paternity story of my friend who was 23 when his girlfriend was 18. He knew for her all of six months. Long story short, they broke up because he found out she was cheating on him.

A little later, she showed up on his doorstep with her parents and she was apparently pregnant, claiming he was the dad. They argued and her parents were just as trashy as her, so they took my friend to court.

I testified that she was cheating and that there was no way to know who the kid’s real father was until the baby was born. The girl wanted half of his things because they were living together for three months of the relationship, and for him to pay child support when the kid was born. Flash forward to the delivery day…at this point, my friend is fuming.

In all the time that’s passed, this girl had truly messed up his life. She would show up in public places screaming that it was his kid. She keyed his car and broke his house’s windows. 

But that’s not even the worst part—this girl even went so far as to post on Facebook that he forced her to have and keep the child. So, there I was with him in the delivery room. Because my friend is a “white Asian” and the guy I caught her cheating with was a “white Australian,” we just knew the facial features would not match.

He also wanted me to be there as a witness for when he asked for a blood test after. The baby didn’t have facial features to match either possible father. In fact, the baby had much darker skin than the mother and the two possible fathers. I don’t think we ever laughed so hard in our lives. My friend went so far as to snap a selfie when he told the girl’s parents off.

He basically told them to have fun raising that kid. They did the blood test anyway, and the baby was not his. He sued the family for defamation and the ex for harassment. He also got a restraining order. To this day, he’s still petrified of people like her. Story credit: Reddit / Bossmantho

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