Strange Paternity Stories That Nearly Tore Families Apart

No One Would’ve Guessed


While I was serving in the army, one guy informed us his wife had gotten pregnant while he was home on rest and recuperation. Of course, we made fun of him a lot, saying “Jodi has a new baby,” and asking him if he knew the father.

But, it was all just joking around. At the end of the rotation, we got back and walked into the gym where our families were waiting. We watched the dog and pony show and then we were released.

We were all laughing and having a good time, but we looked over and this guy, who’s white and whose wife is white, holding the darkest baby I’ve ever seen…and the baby looked to be three months older than it should be. The jokes stopped. Nobody said anything about it. About a year later, the couple was standing outside the Chaplain’s office and I asked, “What’s up?”

The news they told me made my jaw drop—they informed me that he had found out that the baby wasn’t his and they needed counseling. I could have gotten an Academy Award for my acting! “Oh really??? your baby looks just like you! Nobody would have guessed!” Story credit: Reddit / Juggernaut78

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